A Riverbank Ramble.
Start. Kendal (Natland Road).
Route. Natland Road - Romney Road Bridge - Scroggs Wood - Wilson Place - Nannypie Lane - Force Lane - Park Head - Levens Park - Levens Bridge - Kendal/Lancaster Canal - Sedgwick - Larkrigg Spring Wood - High Cockcrow Wood - Natland Road.
Notes. I'd been forced to go on a family holiday, three generations and one miss-behaved dog all heading south, Cornwall will never forgive me, neither did Sue when she found out I'd smuggled my walking boots along, alas I never got chance to use them. Now back home work commitments tie me down, this walk was an attempt to get out while the weather was good, a riverbank ramble and a quite enjoyable one it was.
After parking on Natland Road (Kendal) I crossed Romney Bridge to access the west bank of the River Kent, no problems navigating today, I just followed the riverside path south. Tarmac soon gave way to a rough path, through meadows and woodland I walked eventually reaching the tarmac surface of Hawes Lane, I crossed the fine old bridge spanning Natland Gorge to access the east bank of the river, crossed a stile then carried on walking south. Above limestone gorges I strolled, the many voices of the river accompanied me through sheep pastures. The footpath gave way to a bridleway before reaching the foot-bridge at Wilson Place, I crossed to continue my journey on the west bank. With the tarmac of Nannypie Lane under foot I wandered on, ignoring the bridge spanning Sedgwick Gorge I continued down the lane, I passed under the busy A591 then on to the tiny hamlet of Park Head, here a finger-post invited me to Levens Bridge, I obliged and was soon wandering through cow pastures. I entered Levens Park via a squeaky gate atop a stile startling a herd of Black Fallow Dear.
A short walk through park land followed before crossing the river again at Levens Bridge. On a good path I wandered north, a splendid avenue of ancient oaks once the main drive to Levens Hall kept me on track, I alighted onto the Hincaster Road at the rear entrance to the park, immediately I crossed the A591 to be met by a finger-post inviting me to Kendal. A short ascent through meadows allowed access to the northern reaches of the Kendal/Lancaster canal, long bereft of water this makes for easy walking back to town. Through Sedgwick on a splendid aqueduct, through sheep pastures and woodland, under bridges that once spanned this northern waterway, after what seemed a long hike I stepped onto tarmac again at Watercroock, this was Natland Road the car was just a few hundred yards to the north.
View south taken from Romney Bridge.
The River Kent featuring Romney Bridge.
The tranquil waters of the River Kent.
Looking to the pastures at Watercrook, home to Alavna Roman Fort.
Viewing the fields and farm at Watercrook.
Riverside reflections at Scroggs.
A good summer means the bailer's been out.
Crop fields near Prizet House.
On a low ridge rising from the Kent valley, Prizet House.
A peaceful riverbank path, looking back through the heat haze to Benson Knott.
The foot-bridge at Wilson Place.
From one bridge to another, this one comes with the accompanying song of traffic.
Straight lines and defined edges, the bridge that carries the A591 over the River Kent.
After disturbing around twenty Fallow Dear this was the only one I managed to photograph, there was also two foxes but they also scarpered.
These fearse looking fellows are not so easy to scare, Bagot Goats.
Once the main drive to Levens Hall, this famed avenue of oaks makes for excellent walking.
On the canal rambling through Larkrigg Spring Wood.
The canal south of Larkrigg.
I took this shot because I liked the greens of the wheat.